Looming deadlines, growing to-dos, and tons of carbs. These modern day "fight or flight" responses manifest in subtle stressors that ultimately accumulate into a clear sign of deteriorating health. Whether it is realizing you're constantly anxious, even while on vacation, changing weight rapidly, or relying heavily on external stimulus to get you through the day, your body and habits adapt to stress way before your mind acknowledges the condition. They manifest through:
Small Tasks Postponed
It would take me under five minutes to file my expense report, under ten to call my mom, under two to schedule a teeth cleaning...but I spend more time reminding myself to do so than to actually sit down and do it.
Measurements Avoided
I haven't checked my fitness performance measurements, asked for comprehensive feedback at work, controlled my portion sizes or shopped for new clothes (a round about way to check my self esteem) for over two months. Ignoring my status quo is an unspoken fear that I've fallen below baseline.
Daily Rituals Ignored
I jot down daily summaries in a planner. Last journal entry was June 30...
Discipline Languished
I have two acts of discipline that completely regulate my mood and self-esteem: (1) wake up before 6am and doing at least 30 minutes of work before the gym, and (2) don't eat after 6pm.
It takes me about two to three weeks to actually realize that my "off days" are actually harbingers of chronic stress. While for now, they don't change my dynamic at work, with friends, or with family (I do call my mom before she worries!), they make me feel like I'm operating at 80% optimism, productivity, and confidence. And potential untapped is potential wasted.